[I’m sorry, you have to translate the words to get it]
You can sound like a pretentious #architect too.
It’s beyond me. I can’t stand them.
They are boring and extremely ridiculous.
There will be more, but there are two groups that tend to brag about what they are as soon as they are introduced to you: architects and doctors.
“I’m sorry, but this is a clear symptom of an inferiority complex.
(I hope my colleagues will forgive me)
When they try to impress others with grandiloquent phrases empty of meaning, at my age, I can’t help it and I always smile a Gioconda smile.
That’s why today I bring a #gift for them or for those who want to sound like them by talking about Architecture without having any idea what they are talking about.
You can create a sentence by choosing a word from each column.
Try it and tell me which one you liked the most.
Do you know any other profession with this kind of characters?