Before the outbreak of COVID-19, the trend with selling houses was clear.

The client wants to buy their future house, not you are selling them. Clients need to have autonomy and freedom when making decisions. If they are in need of information, inform them. In the meantime, offer them the tools to completely captivate them with a real estate.

Of course, at the end of the day you have to see them in person, however if you do not do the things mentioned above, you will no longer be able to reach out to close the deal.


Historically, because of the wealth of resources available online, the selling and buying of homes was a face-to-face process. The RE agent would sell properties, and you would go to see her/him to buy them. At most, advertisements would be used to announce a sale.

The majority of the process was done in the estate agent’s home, and with varying degrees of investment, they would prepare the materials (leaflets, models, plans, prices…), and the space itself to be sold (Waiting and meeting room). In the best-case scenario, they would also be able to provide a show flat, to be visited by potential buyers.

That all means to say, physical methods were all used for a purpose:

To obtain the needed trust of the potential client before building what they wanted to sell, thus anticipating the future.

This all came with an added difficulty. We’re not talking about selling shoes here. The challenge is closing what is likely the most important deal in a client’s life.

You don’t lose anything. Invest the same but with new methods.


Luckily, these changes have nothing to do with the pandemic, they have been long awaited.

It is evident that new technologies (virtual reality, renders, augmented reality, virtual tours, video, interactive video, etc.) have provided new tools for the sales of real estate.

But the question is,

what distinguishes these methods from those we have been using for our entire career?

The special thing about this technology is that it isn’t reliant on face-to-face interaction. The client doesn’t have to go to a real estate agency’s office. And this, simply put, has endless advantages.

The access to online information has made the average buyer more proactive. They no longer receive their information about your business largely through the mailbox. This strategy based on PUSH factors aims to offer services regardless of demand. The client however, uses PULL factors;

They don’t wish you to sell them their home, they wish to buy it.




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I don’t mean to say that things are going to change.

I am speaking about what has already happened.

The process of purchasing and selling of real estate has completely been overthrown. Nowadays, it is not that it has been modified, rather that there are no projects currently able to function. Luckily, this is a temporary situation, and one that will gradually fade, allowing us to resume life as normal.

This is a good moment to prepare for the future. Carefully consider your career, and make a plan of action. Change the rules of the game.


1. Find the correct distance yourself from the client

Everyone will manage their fears and precautions how they deem best, and the seller should adapt themselves to the conditions set by each possible buyer.

2. Place yourself in your news sales room

We speak a lot about online work as a solution, however it does not seem that non-face-to-face sales are popular. We need to make a way of work available that will allow us to capture the hearts of our clients.

The new sales room is your client’s living room. Share on X

That is where you should be reaching for. I’m not talking about real estate portals that have been installed in your home’s computers. I mean you, and your promotion. You shouldn’t wait for them to come to you. Come to them. Make it easy for them. And this is exactly the process that you can plan out.

3. The art of seduction

To become closer to your clients you have to use terms of seduction, no information. Yes, you should inform them, but remember, decisions are made with the heart.

Your virtual sales material should be emotional. Turn your product into something aspirational. Provoke that “I need it” sentiment in your clients.

When we make a promotional video, we make sure to show the project as a trustworthy investment, but above all we seek to find the emotional factor to convince people, that is crucial in closing a deal.

4. Managing from a distance in troubling times

In these aseptic times that we live in, social distancing does not have to be a barrier. Let your connection to your clients through online connections be your lifeline. Take advantage of everything our technology has to offer. However, make sure to always focus on winning them over emotionally.

Give them more space for internal reflection. Clients do not like overly pushy or aggressive real estate agents, and they like to decide for themselves. Accompany them, but respect their space and time. The final moment of the sale is decided in the heart and mind of the client, for which a large showroom is never necessary.


If you are hoping for COVID-19 to disappear for you to return to your old strategies, you will lose. This will not be the last time that something affects our daily lives deeply, and if you don’t change your strategy of operations, you will be caught in the same scenario, wishing you had prepared better.

Thus, reflect, consider, plan, and act. The process has changed and we must adapt.

Mutate, or let your company go down.