Real Estate actor, do you usually do a good architecture animation video of your project?

Each moment in history has had its preferred communication medium.

From the “word of mouth”, the press, radio, television and now the Internet have all been means to receive and transmit information.

Today, in a situation where you prefer to pull instead of pushing (pull vs push) when receiving the information, the architecture animation video has become a standard.

We are used to receive the message encoded in this format. It’s comfortable, we understand with little effort and also is extremely direct.

Transferred to real estate’s marketing, the video has found its place to stay.
These are, from my point of view, the five main advantages of making a good architecture animation video for your project:

1 | You will use the most convincing of all audiovisual media: the moving image

If a picture is worth a thousand words, how much is a video of 3 minutes?

The statistics speak for themselves. These are the three main reasons to bet on the architecture animation video as a means of diffusion:

– Increased possibilities of ‘engagement’. We live in the era of the audiovisual industry. The image and video are not only the most consumed, but they are the tools that more and better connections can build with users.

– Diversification content. The text is usually the most widely used format in the content strategy of brands (posts, updates on social networks …). However, with a growing infoxication and an environment in which care is one of those most precious assets, to diversify what is shared can make it easier to reach the user.

– A greater range. It is the format most commonly consumed in the network. A study of several months of the Pew Research Center made it clear: in four years, the number of users who have viewed or downloaded online videos has increased from 69% of the total to almost 80%. The expansion of the mobile devices, especially tablets, have much to do in these number.

2 | You will sell effortlessly, naturally, without pressure

Without opening your mouth, and in just a few minutes, you will show all the virtues of the project using an architecture animation video.

To sell, rather, trying to sell, is an uncomfortable work.

It is difficult for your sellers, day after day, keep the interest, sympathy and the sparkle to create the right environment to cause the desire to buy.

They are the first to benefit from the use of animation as a selling tool. But do not worry, you, developer, you’re the next.

The process of convincing becomes less tortuous, more natural and, even more importantly, it becomes faster.

You have to think that, unlike the model or pilot floor, the architecture animation video is downloadable, you can watch it at home on TV, on mobile, on the tablet, you can show it to your friends, …
They have an immediate access to it and, after seeing it several times, they will begin to dream, and again they will watch it and finally …

…they will buy it.

3 | You will reach their hearts with the architecture animation video of your project

This happens because you get effortlessly into the heart of the customer.

When someone searches for a flat, gets, inadvertently, in an aspirational process. Share on X

Buying a home brings with it the desire to improve, to progress.

In the process the brain will be involved but, above all, the heart.

The customer will evaluate, coldly buy but in the end he will make the decision with his heart.
The video’s contemplation of his likely house supposes an additional step to his dream.

Therefore, the video also descriptive must cause daydreams. To wake the imagination of the customer in order to see it several times and then, to let loose his imagination and think about him in the future living there.

Do you understand now the power of video?

4 | The video as an evolution of the model and the pilot floor

In fact, nothing has been discovered with the video.

It is an updated response to a need that has always existed:

Showing the future built in advance.

To do this, historically, there were used two tools: the model and the pilot floor.

Both of them made an image of the future. They made understandable to the buyer the technical drawings. Also, they made an easy understanding and, consequently, generate the confidence to take the plunge and buy the flat.

I’ll talk another day about their advantages and disadvantages

I just want you to think over the cost that both tools had for the developer. They were important investments in time and money, especially the second.

Just ask yourself these questions:

Regarding the model,
How long did it cost them to do me a model?
What degree of realism did they reach? Could I see the floor inside? Which was its price?

And about the show flat.
When could I have it completely finished?
How much it would cost me to furnish it with the highest quality? and to keep it?

If you calculate, you will understand immediately that, besides being a lower cost, is more versatile and efficient.

5 | It is shown: our customers repeat because they get to sell sooner and better

All our customers who have commissioned us an animation of their project repeat.

There are several reasons but the main one is cold and objective: they manage to sell before and better.

It is the most profitable alternative.

Make a calculation, but make it well.

The 5 reasons to make a good architecture animation video of your project Share on X

Take into account the financing costs and what it can mean radically accelerate the sales’ pace. I leave it that to you as an expert.

I know the results of my clients and their satisfaction again and again.

Do not skimp and do not hire anyone, it wouldn’t be a smart decision.

Some time ago ‘anything” done by computer had an intrinsic value.

Now is not the case. If you make a 3d walkthrough (really, I don’t like this term), you have to make it with quality. Otherwise it may even be harmful. Among the factors that determine the quality of a video I will talk other day.

Think about the number of homes of your promotion and divide the video cost between them.

Do you really think you shouldn’t spend that money?

If so, do not hesitate.

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