Since last Tuesday April 19 until June 5, at La Lonja de Zaragoza, you can visit the exhibition “Visión emocional de una ciudad”. (emotional city vision)
Such exhibition emerged as a continuation of a project that was born with the sample
‘Genius Loci: Visiones artísticas de una ciudad. Zaragoza 1908-2008’ held in 2009.
It contributed to the emotional city exhibition with my work entitled ZGZ invisible.
The initial project was designed in phases, but eventually and a proposal of the Hon. Council of Zaragoza and Ibercaja, it has resulted in a single emotional city exhibition.
The emotional city exhibition
As indicated by its curators, Carlos Buil and Ricardo Marco, this unisex approach has many advantages and content of this exhibition proposal has attempted to synthesize them by a Decalogue which was written a little adrift as a set of scattered notes they expect to be explanatory.
1. The theme of the exhibition is the city of Saragossa and the personal glance that different artists from different artistic disciplines have on our city.
We do not propose an exhibition with level of excellence, elitist and discriminatory. Rather, it is a participatory project in which the cast of artists offer us the best of themselves to give an overall picture of the city as a sum of individuals.
2. For each of the two hundred and twenty artists who have participated in the showing were given a map of the city of Zaragoza in paper or digital. Each artist interacted on the plane transmitting his feeling, his idea about the city. In this way two hundred and twenty emotional visions of urban space in which we live are obtained.
3. A total of ten creative disciplines are involved in an exhibition together with a common theme. Gathering all of them simultaneously for the first time puts in value every artistic line and equates them all to a similar range.
4. It is a coral act but with personal implications act. Each proposal shows its vision and together they formed a “corpus” that will be analyzed and evaluated.
5. The selection process has met criteria for a group of professionals who have advised the commissioners. The list of artists is obviously limited
6. The exhibition proposes a threefold objective:
Reflection on the city. Each piece shows personal or global city concept noteworthy aspects. Together they constitute a real brainstorm about our city.
Such as diverse vision discovers, stresses or emphasizes unpublished, obvious or topical aspects of the town.
It is a true meeting point of artists of the city from all artistic fields. While not all of them are here, nor the ones that are here, are of all them, if that allows us a general assessment of the level of the artists of our city.
7. The factor of linking the artist to the city that lives and reflect on it, it is an emotional component that attracted us greatly. That mix of profession, art, space, time, recollection, memory … contains some components that give a more personal and more intimate character that causes being most intensely involved.
8. Discovering these invisible cities that each one propose and as a whole conforms to Saragossa as a city of invisible cities. With dreams and criticism, because ultimately they are human beings who proposed and, consequently, feelings, resentments, experiences appear to the surface.
9. The exhibition takes us on a tour on our Saragossa, by its hidden details, its short cuts, its evidence, its complexities, its contradictions, its virtues … Put in the city and captured in a lovely walking through the images presented by artists. Reached that point, you begin to feel that you entered the maze of ideas that make up the city, the kaleidoscope.
In this unnamed moment as if it were the unexpected irruption of something forgotten or hidden, city reappears… its concepts, its mysteries. From that moment, understanding comes a strange vigor that seems be able to tie it all. Tiding up loose ends, glimpses of truth that deserve to be remembered to understand the secrets of your life, urban space in which we live, appear.
10. The exhibition takes place in two locations and has a total of ten areas that collect a total of about 250 pieces, including literary texts. The headquarters of the exhibition are La Lonja, which houses seven areas: artists, designers, architects, graffiti artists, graphic designers, video artists and sculptors, and Camon Aznar Museum, which houses four areas: photographers, writers, video artists and documentaries.
ZGZ invisible, our interpretation
The city is a physical support. Its structure varies but it does not differs from much smaller scale urban structures. What distinguishes it is not seen with the naked eye: communication. That is my interpretation of the city: a scan of communication.
It is produced by air and also in the subsoil. You cannot see it, but it is present. They are intense, long, short, far, near, ridiculous, interesting … However, they make the city being alive. They are part of our work, our leisure, our loves, our sorrows, …
Each one decides how your city is by his way of living. For what seems relevant. All citizens have our own “#trending topics “. They are variable in time. Citizens travel and learn. After or in between, they communicate. Others come with new messages.
The city, the support, remains. But the city changes, evolves.
The construction of a building, of a city, I do not care too much.
I am interested in the conference, not the building that houses it.