Music for video, in an audiovisual, is a fundamental part of production.
We can do a wonderful animation both artistically and technically but, as long as we do not use the perfect sound track, failure is assured.
What music for video should I choose?
As with most production decisions, we should not think of our musical tastes or even our customers’ tastes.
We must think about the end customer. In what music for video will cause a greater seduction in their subconscious.
For this, and this is also applicable to the rest of the animation, we must define what that ideal client is. A 25 years person has some tastes and is seduced by a music that normally has nothing to do with the tastes of a 50.
This is not always the case, but let’s imagine this situation:
Who is the flat for? For the son
Who buys the flat? Parents
For whom should we think of music for video? To the parents.
We can trust that the music seduces the son and that this is this one who convinces the parents insisting a lot. However, I recommend that you seduce the parents. In this case, they will make the decision.
You may ask yourself, is music so important and should I think that much about this decision? My answer is very clear: yes.
All counts and do not neglect any aspect to help us achieve our purpose. And do not forget, our purpose is not to make the best animation of our life, nor even the one that most likes our client.
“The best music for video is the one that helps sell before and better”
How do I find the music for video?
With time and, depending on the size of the production, with more or less money.
In the films, the BSO is tailor-made.
Both the background music and the main themes.
Hopefully you have someday the opportunity to be involved in projects of this nature, but the normal thing is that you do not need as much. We have always preferred to look for existing compositions rather than hiring a composer. If you want to explore this possibility because you have some friend who is dedicated to it you do not need to be John Williams.
However, we have always found ourselves more comfortable looking for already composed music. It gives us more freedom of checking and choice.
The usual way
The most habitual resource is to look for compositions already made and to use them in our production, what is the opposite of how it is done in the films.
However, do not think that for this lack of production budget is doomed to reduce its quality.
Musical creators have been aware for many years of this need of the audiovisual industry. Therefore, there are thousands of composers who perform their work in a wonderful way.
As I told you at the beginning, “musical casting” takes time.
Although you are sometimes tempted to decide because you are tired of looking, do not faint, keep searching until you find what you are looking for.
TIP: When you finally find the music you were looking for, you will have no doubts. You will tell yourself: this one. And the search will be over.
Meanwhile, put on the helmets and, with the wireframe pre-composition on the screen, start checking if audio and picture get along.
Gradually, you will generate a list of possible candidates and, sooner or later, depends on the luck and inspiration you have, you will find it.
Another day I will tell you what my sources are and how to use them.
Do not make this mistake
In some countries more than in others, one has the perception that music is free. Be very clear: music is not free.
Music is the result of a process where before there was nothing and a composer, with his effort and wisdom creates music.
You can not take advantage of that effort without paying for it.
Think in another way, would you like people to use your animation for their own benefit without you having repercussions on anything after all the effort you are putting into it? Well, that’s all.
Another thing is that there are different degrees of compensation. That’s why CREATIVE COMMONS was invented. If you do not know, it is a system by which the creators establish under which conditions their works can be used.
You will find different degrees, conditions and costs.
Be legal as you want others to be with you.
If you do not want to be, you will find problems that can go from denouncing you until, simply YouTube will reject it for not complying with the legality when you hang the video.
Definitely, not worth it. The cost of music has to be considered in the preparation of the budget and is perfectly acceptable.
You will have to spend a lot of time. Sometimes, it took us about a week to find the one that convinced us.
I insist: you must give much importance to the BSO.
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