These collections of video footage are organized into 3 categories, according to the number of birds that can be seen flying in each shot: flock, some, and solitary
Each one of these collections is composed of 10 footages of different duration.
Acquiring the grouped videos in each collection, you can save 151€ on 4K, and 51€ on full HD, in comparison to buying them separately.
Save the most by purchasing BIRDS COL. 1
If you want to know more about out bird footages, click here.
These collections of video footage are organized into 5 categories, according to the type of sky in each footage: clear, cloudy, dawn, sunset, and stormy.
Each one of these collections is composed of 10 footages of 8 seconds.
Acquiring the grouped videos in each collection, you can save 101€ on 4K, and 31€ on full HD, in comparison to buying them separately.
Save the most by purchasing SKY COL. 1
If you want to know more about our time lapses, click here.
These collections of video footage are organized into 3 categories, according to the possible disposition of each shot in your sequence: corner, foreground, and background.
Each one of these collections is composed of 10 distinctive footages of 10 seconds each. You will have multiple species, and leaf movement either gentle, moderate, or intense.
Acquiring the grouped videos in each collection, you can save up to 201€ on 4K, and 71€ on full HL, in comparison to buying them separately.
Save the most by purchasing TREES COL. 1
If you want to know more about tree footages, click here.
These video footage are perfect for if you prefer to try our shots bit by bit, or you are just looking for a simple and punctual solution for a production
We offer you 3 collections that group together one footage from each category (3 videos), two footages from each category (6 videos), or three footages from each category (9 videos)
Acquiring the grouped videos in each collection, you can save up to 162€ on 4K, and 52€ on full HD, in comparison to buying them separately.
If you want to know more about these footages, click here: birds, skies, and trees.
Why is it a good idea to buy the collections?
Acquiring our compiled video footage in collections has three fundamental advantages:
Professional work requires versatility in your results.
We don’t recommend you use the same resources in all your productions
With our collections, you will have more freedom of choice and all without having to endlessly search online
Our prices are much lower and those of our competitors.
You can verify this on our comparative chart, so that you can see the advantages of our packages at a glance.
Acquiring the collections instead of the individual videos can result in savings of over €800.
When you are faced with a situation with a strict deadline, you will be grateful to have us at your disposal as a time-saving tool,
as we are well aware that time truly is money.