Whatever the reason (regulations, lack of imagination, you name it).

but all RE Developments look the same, and the renderings don’t even count.

If you want to appear different and be attractive, we make sure that changes.

But I talk about that a lot on the web and you will find many projects to inspire you.

you will like what I am about to tell you even more

RE Developers don’t like to sell flats and it usually shows.

What they like is to make money (like everyone else).

If you don’t want to keep sounding like all your competitors and you want to improve your sales process with a new approach, you are in the right place.

Some things you may already know, but others will surprise you. That’s why…

I invite you to subscribe for free to my mailing list

As the person responsible for this website, I, Juan Gayarre Calvo, ensure you that the personal details submitted in this form will be handled by me alone. The purpose of collecting this personal data is to manage the subscription service and send periodical newsletters with information of interest to you, as well as sales on related products or services. If you wish to exercise your rights of access, correction, limitation, suppression of your personal details, or submit a complaint to a supervisory authority, please email info@gayarre.eu

They will be entertaining emails but with benefits for you.

If they bore you… no drama. You unsubscribe and that’s it.

I only want people on my list who don’t think they know everything.

This is my promise about the BENEFITS you will get:

  • Improve your relationship with the customer by putting yourself in their shoes
  • Learn more about Emotional Marketing and how to activate it to your advantage
  • How quality visualisation helps but it’s not the only factor
  • The keys to take your marketing from invisible to memorable
  • Differentiate yourself from your competitors with novel ideas that sell
  • Pitch creative and catchy messages you can’t even imagine
  • You’ll fix your customer’s attention on what you say because it’s just what he needs to hear

Don’t relax too much…

I will send you ideas to improve your marketing but I will try to sell you my services at the same time.

If that’s a problem for you, easy: don’t subscribe.

Here are some examples of my emails…

  • What would a property developer do with Panoramix’s magic potion
  • Kill your development
  • Today I tell you how a client drove 400 km just to check if we were the team he needed.
  • Exciting to sell a house in a suburb of Bogotá is very hard to do
  • Transparent words, an unfortunate constant in real estate promotion
  • Everyone sees the developer as a hyena
  • I have a quiz for you. Whoever gets an A gets a prize
  • The other day, I met up with my friends to play cards like we have been doing all our lives when our wives leave us.
  • In the real estate sector there are two types of developers: those who screw up and those who sell like crazy. I know because I have worked with both.
  • Juan hates the beach
  • 7 movies that show you what real estate developers are like (I’ll tell you the lesson each one teaches)
  • The other day I sat down with a developer client and we crunched the numbers….
  • Developer, I think I know where you buy your suits to be so smart.

And who are you?

Why should I subscribe to your bloody mailing list?

I am Juan Gayarre, the architect who creates endorphins 💊 so that your client buys the flats before you and, on top of that, thanks you.

Combing grey hair gives you confidence. And I have a lot of it.

Having been in this business for more than 30 years, it has its advantages.

I have learned to understand how my clients have sold and sell their promotions.

I have worked on many more projects than you will ever promote.

If I was a moron, I wouldn’t have learned anything.

Now, I’ve decided to share those experiences.

I know how to improve the sale of your homes and I tell you about it every week.

I also tell you that I am not infallible and I can be wrong.

If you think that’s the case, let me know. I love to talk.

How many companies do you know of that have been nominated for the CG Architect Awards (known as the Oscars of architectural visualization)?

But I won’t brag about it because this is about you and not me.

My work improves your marketing

The weekly emails are marketing pills.

Not endorphins (don’t mess around). Stop reading and subscribe here:

As the person responsible for this website, I, Juan Gayarre Calvo, ensure you that the personal details submitted in this form will be handled by me alone. The purpose of collecting this personal data is to manage the subscription service and send periodical newsletters with information of interest to you, as well as sales on related products or services. If you wish to exercise your rights of access, correction, limitation, suppression of your personal details, or submit a complaint to a supervisory authority, please email info@gayarre.eu

What my subscribers say

Lori Dowd signed up from St Louis Missouri.

The following are national and also very valuable to me:

José Luis Hidalgo | CEO at Cosehisa

“These are the benefits we have obtained over time:

  1. Our brand image has improved, transmitting quality in pre-sales.
  2. Our relationship with customers in the sales process has improved, becoming more cordial and friendly.
  3. The return on investment (they are not cheap) is efficient and profitable.
  4. We close deals earlier and with less effort.”

A-cero architects | Joaquín Torres & Rafael Llamazares

“We have been familiar with GAYARRE infografia’s architectural visualisation work for some time, when they made a video entitled ALONE of one of our projects in Marbella. It is no coincidence that this video was nominated for the CGarchitect Awards 2013.

We highlight both the quality of its images and its elegant camera movements.
The ability to show the virtues of the project with their videos, make them a tool of persuasion, a tool of seduction.”

Francisco José Cervantes Tous | CEO Urbincasa

“In our company we have been working with Juan for years and, today, we consider him to be one of our flagship suppliers.

His work is of a quality that we have not found in the market, as it combines the technical skills of his team with the artistic vein that turns a set of renders into a short film that knows how to transmit to the end client all the sensations and experiences that their future home will bring them.

This is the recommendation that I would not want my competitors to read without a doubt.”

Render living room and kitchen

César Frías | CEO Morph Estudio

“Architecture is often about transmitting sensations, both when you live it and when you present it. GAYARRE infografía developed the video of our Q16 project for Qhomes España, providing great image quality and a dynamic and careful editing.”

By the way, if you subscribe for free,

I’ll give you a free guide that will come in handy

It will help you to be discerning even if you don’t choose us.

12 non-technical steps you will read in 15 minutes to avoid making mistakes when hiring renderings.

You will never be taken for a ride again when hiring architectural visualisation services.

With this guide you will be able to do it with authority and judgement without making any mistakes in the process:

  • You will know what to look for when assessing the offer.
  • Ask the right questions to find out what’s right for you
  • Know the process to properly assess the excuses you are given
  • You will optimise your resources before it’s too late.
  • and then, by following these steps, you will make money.




Insert your email to receive the guide as hundreds of real estate professionals have done


without failures

the renders you need

As the person responsible for this website, I, Juan Gayarre Calvo, ensure you that the personal details submitted in this form will be handled by me alone. The purpose of collecting this personal data is to manage the subscription service and send periodical newsletters with information of interest to you, as well as sales on related products or services. If you wish to exercise your rights of access, correction, limitation, suppression of your personal details, or submit a complaint to a supervisory authority, please email info@gayarre.eu

And if you want to tell me something or need us to make images and videos of your project, write me at: info@gayarre.eu

I will get back to you within 24-48 hours.