When will you start work?

To start with the work, 4 steps have to be fulfilled which are typical of this industry and which are non-negotiable. 1 > We receive the formal signed proposal (preferably by electronic signature). 2 > We send the first invoice and you make the first payment in advance (10% of [...]

How much time do you need to make the images?

Sorry to repeat myself, but it depends on the project. Our technology and experience allow us to do the job in a very short time. I repeat, in a very short time. Our clients can't believe the improvement in this aspect of time. Sometimes it takes them longer to review [...]

How much time do you need to make a video?

It depends on the complexity of the project to be visualised. Our technology and experience allow us to complete the work in a very short time. Since we have changed technology, we have halved (or even less) the production time.