I have never had a good mouth.
I’d like to think it’s hereditary because it’s the doctor I’ve been going to the most all my life.
I swear I’ve brushed my teeth till I’ve had enough but, you see, it hasn’t been enough.

One of my distant memories was our first dentist’s surgery.

It was a very bright and pleasant space but it had a showcase that made me feel sick:

A showcase full of denture moulds.

I was only 10 years old and, at the time, I didn’t know whether they were the teeth of the dead or dentures extracted from the living.

I imagine that the dentist thought it was curious to exhibit them. I was terrified of them.

Then I did well and it didn’t hurt me but they certainly didn’t give me peace before I started and, most importantly, they didn’t give me peace:

That is the indelible memory I have of him after 50 years.

Occasionally, I have come across images on the walls of the promoters that conveyed something similar.
Not terror, but nothing good.

From old models full of dust that they don’t want to throw away because of what they cost them to very crappy infographics that seem “modern” to them.

If before you start talking, while they are waiting, your clients perceive negative feelings, the process is off to a bad start.

What if there was a TV in the waiting room with a really good video of your promotion?

I dare say that, at the very least, you keep them expectant.

What if, to bring them into the room, you tell them they’ll freak out while they’re waiting?

I’m done giving you free advice. That’s enough.

If you want more, call me and we’ll set up your waiting room so they’ll remember you for the rest of your life for being good, not like my dentist.